

BT 01 (Blesstea Bottle): 5 BV

BT 02 (Blesstea Sachet): 4 BV

BT 03 (Blesstea Reffill): 3 BV

Latin name: Camellia Sinensis Var. assamica
Place to grow: Cool Region 1200 asl
Best part: Shoots Leaves (Peko)
Tea Ingredients:
Catechin: epicatechin (EC), Epiketekin error (ECG), Epigalo Ketekin (EGC), Epigalo error Catechins (EGCG), Theaflavins (Only found in tea Black)
Vitamins: B1, B2, C, E and K
Minerals: Fluorine, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium and Potassium

Efficacy of Black Tea Blesstea Can Trust:
01. Lowers cholesterol and risk of heart attack
02. Prevent the narrowing of blood vessels
03. lowering Hypertension
04. Minimize the risk of stroke
05. Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes
06. Increase metabolism
07. Slim and maintain ideal weight
08. Anti-aging
09. prevent osteoporosis
10. Prevent cavities, bad breath and canker sores
11. Meredahkan Stress
12. Increase the power of thought and concentration
13. Overcome the viral infection, bacterial & fungal
14. boost the body's immunity
15. Improve Stamina (Vitality) & Libido
16. Prevent and reduce uric acid
17. Lowering migraine and vertigo
18. reduce the risk of prostate cancer, uterine, breast, etc.
19. Reduce the risk of negative smoking
20. Beneficial for patients with asthma / sinustisis

Teh Hitam terbukti

Teh Hitam


BT 01 (Blesstea Botol) : 5 BV
BT 02 (Blesstea Sachet) : 4 BV
BT 03 (Blesstea Reffill) : 3 BV
Nama Latin : Camellia Sinensis Var. Assamica
Tempat tumbuh : Daerah Sejuk 1200 dpl
Bagian Terbaik : Pucuk Daun (Peko)
Kandungan Teh :
Katekin : Epikatekin (EC), Epiketekin Galat (ECG), Epigalo Ketekin (EGC), Epigalo Katekin Galat (EGCG),Theaflavin (Hanya terdapat pada teh Hitam)
Vitamin : B1, B2, C, E dan K
Mineral : Fluor, Mangan, Kalsium, Potassium dan Kalium
Khasiat Teh Hitam Blesstea Dipercaya Dapat :
01. Menurunkan Kolestrol & resiko serangan Jantung
02. Mencegah penyempitan pembuluh darah
03. Menurunkan Hipertensi
04. Memperkecil resiko stroke
05. Menurunkan kadar gula pada diabetes
06. Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh
07. Melangsingkan & menjaga berat badan ideal
08. Anti penuaan dini
09. Menghambat osteoporosis
10. Mencegah gigi berlubang, bau mulut & sariawan
11. Meredahkan Stress
12. Meningkatkan daya pikir & konsentrasi
13. Mengatasi infeksi virus, bakteri & jamur
14. meingkatkan imunitas tubuh
15. Meningkatkan Stamina (Vitalitas) & Libido
16. Mencegah & menurunkan asam urat
17. Meredahkan migrain & vertigo
18. menurunkan resiko kanker prostat, rahim , payudara dll
19. Mengurangi resiko negatif merokok
20. Bermanfaat bagi penderita asma / sinustisis
Ingin sehat??? Minumlah Blesstea….. (Teh  Keluarga Indonesia)

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